View of Rig against Arctic sky.

DC11 Maher

Doyon Camp 11 (DC11) Maher is a 42-bed camp with 10 single occupancy and 16 double occupancy rooms. All single occupancy rooms have private bathrooms. The 16 double occupancy rooms share three private bathrooms.

The camp consists of 12 skid-mounted units arranged side-by-side. DC11 includes a full-service kitchen and dining room, a recreation room, and a mud room. All rooms are equipped with televisions. One laundry room houses five sets of washers and dryers.

DC11 is equipped with forced air electric heat and individual heaters in each room. All kitchen appliances are electric.

DC11 is provided with two 400kw TIER IV generators; one is primary the other standby.

DC11 is a complete camp featuring several amenities including:

  • Full-service kitchen and dining room
  • Recreation room
  • Wired for TV in each bedroom
  • Self-serve washers and dryers

Rosemarie Maher

The late Rosemarie Maher served on the Doyon, Limited Board from 1979 to 2000. She was Doyon President from 2000 to 2001. Born in a fish camp on the Nabesna River in 1947, Rosemarie grew up in Northway, Alaska. After graduating from high school, she trained at Alaska Business College. She served on the Alaska Board of Game during the late 1980’s to early 1990’s and was co-chair of the Alaska Federation of Natives from 1997 to 2000. She was also a member of Governor Tony Knowles’ Highway and Natural Gas Policy Council.


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